Recently I joined Kevin Messenger on a quick trip down to some old familiar stomping grounds down in South Carolina. Quick into our trip Kevin and I stumbled Cottonmouth crossing a dirt stretch of road near Kevins old study site. After a few photographs, the snake was saf

tely moved off the road. Sunset soon found us and the game began. The moon was not in our favor of producing a high quantity of snakes this night, but fate was not far away. Within an hour of sunset we drove right up on a Carolina Pigmy, soaking up warmth on a quite paved patch of road winding through some of the best long leaf sandhills habitat left in the state. It was a rather contrastly individual for this locale, but nothing phemnomenal, except it was the first pigmy of the year for both of us.

Further down the road we met up with Matt Nordgren who had just seen a scarlet snake, which he bagged for us to photograph. A little while later after unsuccessfully finding anything else we met up

with Matt to photograph the scarlet snake and found he we had seen a garter also. Though the night was less than ideal for productivity we were contident with our pigmy find. For us it was a nice piece of the annual herping pie, one that this year we almost missed entirely out on.
"...some of the best long leaf sandhills habitat left in the state."
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