In order of date posted
A quick update from high -- As of late, I've moved to WV to start graduate school in the fall. I the mean time, I'm spending my summer doing field work. I love the fact my entire day is spent outside in the woodland flipping cover and walking night transects. A few lifers have been picked up here and there; Rana sylvatica, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus, Plethodon nettingi, Plethodon wehrlei, Plethodon glutinosus, and the one I've been searching for, Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum.
Good bye 2008, hello 2009 -- A post about the top three lifers (from the states) of 2008; Bog Turtle, Pine snake, and Southern Hognose. Hello 2009 - outline of my first herping trip to the sandhills of 2009. We skunked out on a Tiger salamander, however, found my first January snake ever, first snake of 2009 - Dekay snake. Also, we found A. mabeei, and many N. punctatus with Adrian and Matt by my side.
POST/PART 1: ECUADOR 2008 - WEEK 1 - Amazonia -- The account of my first week in the Ecuador. Located in the Napo Province, this post follows Ross and I day by day in an account of our adventures while in the Amazon. Highlights include - Bolitoglossa perviana, Bolitoglossa ecuatoriana, Oreobates quixensis, Drepanoides anomalus, Imantodes cenchoa, Imantodes lentiferus, and Micrurus leminiscatus helleri.
Carolina Update -- A very short post only containing two photographs - my first Pituophis melanoleucus, and a fuzzy out of focus but neat shot of a Sistrusus m. miliarius strike.
Most Carolina Movement!!!! Spring has ... sorta sprung! -- Was a very broad post reviewing the first quarter of 2008 (Jan, Feb, and March). Highlights include finding Tiger Salamanders, Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes, Okeetee Corn snake, herping around Raleigh, first mud snake of the year, lots of spring stump hunting, and a little piedmont and sandhills NC movement.
A 2007 year end review of the carolinas -- My first primary post on, a long winded tribute to herping the carolinas in 2007. My first Tantilla, 81 inch Coachwhip, first mudsnakes, pigmys, scarlets, scarlet kings, canebrakes, first redbelly water, eastern kings, red pygmys, NC mudsnake, onslow county pygmy, and some simus. -- Plus many, many other things, too many to list.
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